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The tallest active NBA basketball player graced Kenyan screens and this round not with his jersey on but at an interview with Larry Madowo on the #trend show. He currently plays for Oklahoma City Thunder. And lemme just say that i was amazed by the height of the guy. I’ve seen tall people like our brothers from South Sudan but i must commend the Tanzanian player. The cameras in the studio had to be re-adjusted because the guy was too tall to appear in the “camera view”. the funny part was when Larry stood next to Hasheem and he was literally looking up at him. he performed some dribblers in the studio. personally i loved the guy, Michael Jordan in my mind has found a successor. At least there is an East African player who has made it into the NBA.

For the #trend interview with Larry Madowo go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58EoUy_Jn68

By Erick Makokha