The potential in bullfight

Bull fighting as one of the ancient sports in Kenya has attracted tourists therefore generating income into the country. The bull fight takes place annually in the western region of Kenya and it attracts large crowds of people who pay to watch the fight.

unlike the Spanish bull fights where the bulls challenge matadors here the bulls fight themselves. One party writes a request to another party to engage in a fight with them. if the party agrees they then look for a location where they meet for the fight. the two animals lock horns and square it out for five or thirty minutes.Image

Men dance and sing with sticks encouraging the bulls to keep on fighting. A lot of beer is served at the venue as this sport is mostly famous with the males. The winning team is then awarded money or other valuables depending on the agreement.

The sport which people have termed as primitive and unpopular has turned out to be a source of entertainment and revenue. The government has since seen the potential in this sport and has decided to build a stadium in Shinyalu.

the stadium will not only be a bullfight ground but it will also host other sports like football, rugby and many others. The stadium is also expected to host other activities like traditional music festivals.

by Paskalia Awour