Chris Froome the kenyan born cyclist

ImageMeet Chris Froome the Kenyan cyclist who worn the tour de frrance cycling race. He was born on 20th may 1985 in capital city of Kenya Nairobi. He finished his primary school education in Banda school and moved to south Africa to attend st. John College in Johannesburg. he later studied economics at the university of Johannesburg.

he started his profession in 2007 at the age of 22 with team Konika Minolta and later moved to Europe to further his career where he joined British-based team Barloworld. he later moved to team sky in 2010 where he was the key cyclist of the team.

he was once represented Kenya in the 2006 road world championship in the under 23 category in salazburg, Austria. Froome crushed together with two hours and finished in the 36th place.

he has since competed in many races including the Olympic games where he won bronze and team Wiggins scooped the Gold.

2013 has been a good year for him.he won his first stage win of 27seconds early this year. in march he lead team sky to to Tirreno-Adritico where he won the fourth stage. in late April he won 7.5km prologue of the tour Romandie in Switzerland. The month of July was his climax as he won the championship in Tour de France

by paskalia