Is there hope for Stormers?

Softball  Multimedia stormers are still at loss for losing the softball national league games this season. The major reason is because they went on a strike that lasted for roughly four weeks and this led to them not playing all the games after they went home for four weeks which led to their tremendous  loss and they ended up third with 18 points while JKUAT-main took the lead with 30 points and ANU came in second with 24points. The ladies also lost after being on top of the league for a long time ended up second with 24 points while USIU took the first position with 30 points.Stormers were looking forward to taking the title this season since they hard put a lot of practice and were determined to win at all costs. Next season there will be a full come back of Stormers how will the results turn out?

By Jepkemoi Chemjor

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