
I usually dream of that day when kenya will not only be known for just athletics ad rugby but also basketball. Sincerely speaking am sure there is a kenyan in Garissa who doesn’t know a single kenyan basketball player or worse enough the coach of the basketball team. Ok, am not an excption coz i only know to players n maybe the coach. but i will have to google it to be sure. Back to the blog. I know your busy wondering how the hell can i know only 2players and not be so sure about the coach. hold on before you go judgmental on ME, i have my reasons. its not my fault that inknow few of them but its because we rarely hear the kenyan basketball team being mentioned. and thats is in kenya itself. What about the whole world? Its like it doesn’t exist. or maybe its a ghooooooosst! hehehe #Erick behave here# i usually here the basketball teams of schools and thats during the competitons and tournaments bu not the national team. So should we blame the media aor blame the team itself or lets not forget the management


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