

Running as a sport has not been taken seriously in Kenyan universities. one is left to wonder and question why is this the situation? The stereotype that only people from the kalenjin community can run seem to  be true because whenever we hear of any  running sport we only hear names of people from that community. But really should this be the situation in any university where we have a collection of students from different backgrounds with different abilities? No it should not be so its a high time that we reintroduced the sport and start campaigns that would help boost running as a sport in the universities. Kenyans are also famous for running long distance races and the small races like 100meters and 200meters have been left to America and Jamaica which seem to dominate the two races . By reintroducing running sport in the universities we might actually get young talented spirits which are willing and able to fight the giants which have dominated the short races in the world championship. it might also help the Kenyan society get rid of the stereotype that only Kalenjins can run.

by Paskalia

The race

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