
Media Team which is Multimedia men volleyball team gave outstanding results when they went for Internationalvolleyball at Eldoret Polytechnic grounds last weekend. They were put in pool D to play with Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenyatta University(KU) and Kipsoen high school where they played with JKUAT and emerged the winners with three sets to zero ( 3-0 ). This was all joy because JKUAT men for along time has been displaying outstanding performance against MMU. The second match was Media team verses Kipsoen high school where the Media team also emerged victorious by three sets to zero ( 3-0 ).

The next match was a tough one where Media team played with K.U and K.U emerged the winners with three sets to two ( 3-2 ). The Media team is however to blame for not emerging the winner due to lack of communication at the middle of the game and Kenyatta University took that opportunity to thrash them and emerged the winners! In other matches GSU thrashed Ulinzi three sets to two(3-2) in a very tough math which attracted a large crowd.

Story by Chemjor Jepkemoi




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